The secondary protection platform is an additional structure used in construction sites to complement the protection provided by the primary protection platform. It is installed at intermediate levels of the building to catch debris and materials that may escape the first layer of protection, enhancing overall safety.
The secondary protection platform must adhere to the guidelines of NR 18, which regulates safety conditions in construction sites. This standard specifies the need for devices to prevent falling materials, ensuring the safety of workers and the surrounding environment.
The installation of a secondary protection platform is recommended in multi-story constructions where the risk of falling debris is high. It complements the primary protection platform, increasing the effectiveness of containing materials that may fall from upper floors.
Secondary Protection Tray
Above the first belt of the Primary Protection Trays you will need to use the secondary protection tray, which should be installed every three floors.
The Protection Trays are used to prevent material falling around the building, ensuring safety and higher productivity. The secondary model is used from the first belt of the Primary Trays, which should be installed every three floors.
- Hookless Option: The Primary Protection Tray can be fixed by Parabolt, when there are no lead-in waitings on the slab and with the Tray support when there is no waiting in the work to fix the Trays.
- Hook Option: Hook fastening system (Needs Bracket), are fixed in a bolt-on hold on the U-shaped slab, eliminating the need for pins in the lock.
- Secondary Model: Length 1.40m + Complement 0.80m at 45 °
- Built in 2mm U profile
- Vertical support profile sheet metal 3,35mm
- 150kg distributed load capacity
- 2 OPTIONS: “Hook” (Need Support) or “No Hook” (Straight on Slab) Fastening System
- EPOXY Painting
- Tray, mandatory equipment in buildings above 4 floors.
- Recommended maximum spacing of 1.2m
- This equipment aims to protect against falling workers and projection of materials.
- Has opening for fitting and fixing the batten, which facilitates the fixing of Madeirit
ACCESSORY - Tray Holder - SB12
Used when there is no wait on site to fix Trays.
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Rio Grande do Sul - RS
Porto Alegre, Caxias do Sul, Canoas, Pelotas, Santa Maria, Gravataí, Viamão, Novo Hamburgo, São Leopoldo, Rio Grande, Alvorada, Passo Fundo, Sapucaia do Sul, Santa Cruz do Sul, Cachoeirinha, Uruguaiana, Bagé, Bento Gonçalves, Erechim, Guaíba, Lajeado, Torres, Capão da Canoa, Xangri-lá, Tramandaí, Ijuí, Farroupilha, Santana do Livramento, Carazinho, Garibaldi, Carlos Barbosa, Cruz Alta, Parobé, Sarandi, Vacaria, Santa Rosa, Venâncio Aires, São Borja, Santiago, Gramado, Erechim.
Santa Catarina - SC
Joinville, Florianópolis, Blumenau, São José, Chapecó, Itajaí, Criciúma, Jaraguá do Sul, Palhoça, Lages, Balneário Camboriú, Brusque, Tubarão, Porto Belo, Bombinhas, Caçador, Concordia, Passo de Torres, Navegantes, Balneário Gaivota, Araranguá, São Miguel do Oeste.
Paraná - PR
Curitiba, Londrina, Maringá, Ponta Grossa, Cascavel, São José dos Pinhais, Foz do Iguaçu, Colombo, Guarapuava, Paranaguá, Araucária, Toledo, Apucarana, Pinhais, Campo Largo, Arapongas, Almirante Tamandaré, Piraquara, Umuarama, Cambé, Francisco Beltrão, Pato Branco, Medianeira.
São Paulo - SP
São Paulo, Guarulhos, Campinas, São Bernardo do Campo, São José dos Campos, Santo André, Ribeirão Preto, Osasco, Sorocaba, Mauá, São José do Rio, Preto, Mogi das Cruzes, Santos, Diadema, Jundiaí, Piracicaba, Carapicuíba, Bauru, Itaquaquecetuba, São Vicente, Santos, São Caetano do Sul, Taboão da Serra, Presidente Prudente, Araçatuba, Lençois Paulista, Botucatu, Guaratingueta, Guarujá, Ubatuba, Praia Grande, Adamantina, Marília.
Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Rio de Janeiro, São Gonçalo, Duque de Caxias, Nova Iguaçu, Niterói, Belford Roxo, Campos dos Goytacazes, São João de Meriti, Petrópolis, Volta Redonda, Macaé, Magé, Itaboraí, Cabo Frio, Angra dos Reis, Nova Friburgo, Barra Mansa, Teresópolis, Mesquita, Nilópolis, Rio das Ostras.
Espírito Santo - ES
Serra, Vila Velha, Cariacica, Vitória, Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, Linhares, São Mateus, Guarapari, Colatina, Aracruz.
Minas Gerais - MG
Belo Horizonte, Uberlândia, Contagem ,Juiz de Fora, Betim, Montes Claros, Ribeirão das Neves, Uberaba, Governador Valadares, Ipatinga, Sete Lagoas, Divinópolis, Santa Luzia, Ibirité, Poços de Caldas, Patos de Minas, Pouso Alegre, Teófilo Otoni, Barbacena, Sabará, Viçosa, São Lourenço, Patrocínio, Alfenas, Itajuba, Unai, Oliveira.
Bahia - BA
Salvador, Feira de Santana, Vitória da Conquista, Camaçari, Juazeiro, Itabuna, Lauro de Freitas, Ilhéus, Jequié, Teixeira de Freitas, Barreiras, Alagoinhas, Porto Seguro, Simões Filho, Paulo Afonso, Eunápolis, Santo Antônio de Jesus, Luis Eduardo Magalhães.
Sergipe - SE
Aracaju, Nossa Senhora do Socorro, Lagarto.
Alagoas - AL
Maceió, Arapiraca.
Pernambuco - PE
Recife, Jaboatão dos Guararapes, Olinda, Caruaru, Petrolina, Paulista, Cabo de Santo Agostinho, Camaragibe, Garanhuns, Vitória de Santo Antão, Igarassu, São Lourenço da Mata, Santa Cruz do Capibaribe.
Paraíba - PB
João Pessoa, Campina Grande, Sapé, Patos, Bayeux, Cabedelo.
Rio Grande do Norte - RN
Natal, Mossoró, Parnamirim, São Gonçalo do Amarante, Macaíba.
Ceará - CE
Fortaleza, Caucaia, Juazeiro do Norte, Maracanaú, Sobral, Crato, Itapipoca, Maranguape, Iguatu.
Piauí - PI
Teresina, Parnaíba.
Maranhão - MA
São Luís, Imperatriz, São José de Ribamar, Timon, Caxias, Codó, Paço do Lumiar, Açailândia, Bacabal, Balsas.
Tocantins - TO
Palmas, Araguaína.
Pará - PA
Belém, Ananindeua, Santarém, Marabá, Parauapebas, Castanhal, Abaetetuba, Cametá, Marituba, Bragança, São Félix do Xingu, Barcarena, Altamira, Tucuruí, Paragominas, Tailândia, Breves, Itaituba.
Amapá - AP
Macapá, Santana.
Roraima - RR
Boa Vista.
Amazonas - AM
Manaus, Parintins, Itacoatiara.
Rondônia - RO
Porto Velho, Ji-Paraná, Ariquemes, Vilhena.
Acre - AC
Rio Branco.
Mato Grosso - MT
Cuiabá, Várzea Grande, Rondonópolis, Sinop, Tangará da Serra, Lucas do Rio Verde, Guarantã do Norte, Sorriso, Nova Mutum.
Goiás - GO
Goiânia, Aparecida de Goiânia, Anápolis, Rio Verde, Águas Lindas de Goiás, Luziânia, Valparaíso de Goiás, Trindade, Formosa, Novo Gama, Senador Canedo, Catalão, Itumbiara, Jataí.
Mato Grosso do Sul - MS
Campo Grande, Dourados, Três Lagoas, Corumbá.
Distrito Federal - DF
Brasília, Ceilândia, Samambaia, Taguatinga, Plano Piloto, Planaltina, Águas Claras, Recanto das Emas, Gama, Guará, Santa Maria, Sobradinho II.
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