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Load Lifting

Hoist crane


Hoist Crane


Available in Trolley and Trolley-free versions, the C3 Equipamentos Lifting Hoist is used to move and lift loads up to 500 kg at a maximum height of 140 meters. Our Mini Crane models are designed to be practical in daily handling and lower the operating cost of the work.

Suitable for all types of construction sites, especially those with little external space. It is possible to work with the reduced boom, because it is all modular, using the same rods

This equipment is totally national, developed and manufactured by C3 Equipamentos. It has 3 (three) versions available:

Six (6) meter lance with 500KG tip loading capacity with Fixed tip

Six (6) meter boom with 500 kg tip loading capacity with Trolley

8 (8) meter boom with 350 kg tip load capacity with Trolley

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Hoist Hoist is a medium sized equipment and is characterized by the excellent cost benefit and ease of installation for not requiring counterweights.

We have assembly and maintenance teams throughout the country as well as some Latin American countries.

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- Cargo Capacity: 500kg (Proven via ART and Memorial Calculation)
- Spear: 6 meters
- Lifting Speed: 25m / min
- Approximate Weight: 2,000kg (Heaviest Part = 200Kg) / (Larger Part = 2 Meters)
- Swivel Base - Speed ​​of 1.2 Rpm - 360º around Center Axis
- Load Limiter / Frequency Inverter / Braking Resistor
- Boom Reduction: Possibility to lower a boom module (4 meters) using the same risers
- Inclined Boom: Increases boom working height by 1 meter using the same risers
- Lifting Hook: Pulley w / 2 bearings;
Axial bearing and bronze bushing for rotation;
- Cable Guide: Serves to evenly distribute the steel cable on the spool.

- Tower: Height - 8 1.18m modules
- Spear - Divided into 3 Parts of 2 meters each
- Optional Wireless Control - 2 Speed ​​Drives - Emergency Button - 100m Range
- Optional - 2 (two) Hoist Hoists + 1 Polyester Strap
- Optional Anemometer - Its function is to measure the wind speed, beeping when it reaches a speed determined in a standard of 42km / h.

- NR 18 - Products meet the requirements stipulated by the NR 18 standard, which regulates construction.
- CALCULATION MEMORIAL - Technical Report of Structural Calculations, certifying the strength and the load capacity of the product.
- ART - Annotation of Technical Responsibility, has Registration in CREA.
- FINITE ELEMENTS - Virtually Analyzed / Tested Products. Indicating by color the strongest parts and places with the highest load load.

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Simpler and more effective planning

Simpler and more effective planning

Up to 45% more agility in the work

Up to 45% more agility in the work

Best value for money compared to the competition

Best value for money compared to the competition

Hoist crane
Request a quote

Hoist crane

Andrelise FB
Adenilson L Niemawer
Gisela R. Ávila
Evandro Borges F
Gilmar A. Alencar
Vargas e Souza

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Rio Grande do Sul - RS

Porto Alegre, Caxias do Sul, Canoas, Pelotas, Santa Maria, Gravataí, Viamão, Novo Hamburgo, São Leopoldo, Rio Grande, Alvorada, Passo Fundo, Sapucaia do Sul, Santa Cruz do Sul, Cachoeirinha, Uruguaiana, Bagé, Bento Gonçalves, Erechim, Guaíba, Lajeado, Torres, Capão da Canoa, Xangri-lá, Tramandaí, Ijuí, Farroupilha, Santana do Livramento, Carazinho, Garibaldi, Carlos Barbosa, Cruz Alta, Parobé, Sarandi, Vacaria, Santa Rosa, Venâncio Aires, São Borja, Santiago, Gramado, Erechim.

Santa Catarina - SC

Joinville, Florianópolis, Blumenau, São José, Chapecó, Itajaí, Criciúma, Jaraguá do Sul, Palhoça, Lages, Balneário Camboriú, Brusque, Tubarão, Porto Belo, Bombinhas, Caçador, Concordia, Passo de Torres, Navegantes, Balneário Gaivota, Araranguá, São Miguel do Oeste.

Paraná - PR

Curitiba, Londrina, Maringá, Ponta Grossa, Cascavel, São José dos Pinhais, Foz do Iguaçu, Colombo, Guarapuava, Paranaguá, Araucária, Toledo, Apucarana, Pinhais, Campo Largo, Arapongas, Almirante Tamandaré, Piraquara, Umuarama, Cambé, Francisco Beltrão, Pato Branco, Medianeira.

São Paulo - SP

São Paulo, Guarulhos, Campinas, São Bernardo do Campo, São José dos Campos, Santo André, Ribeirão Preto, Osasco, Sorocaba, Mauá, São José do Rio, Preto, Mogi das Cruzes, Santos, Diadema, Jundiaí, Piracicaba, Carapicuíba, Bauru, Itaquaquecetuba, São Vicente, Santos, São Caetano do Sul, Taboão da Serra, Presidente Prudente, Araçatuba, Lençois Paulista, Botucatu, Guaratingueta, Guarujá, Ubatuba, Praia Grande, Adamantina, Marília.

Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Rio de Janeiro, São Gonçalo, Duque de Caxias, Nova Iguaçu, Niterói, Belford Roxo, Campos dos Goytacazes, São João de Meriti, Petrópolis, Volta Redonda, Macaé, Magé, Itaboraí, Cabo Frio, Angra dos Reis, Nova Friburgo, Barra Mansa, Teresópolis, Mesquita, Nilópolis, Rio das Ostras.

Espírito Santo - ES

Serra, Vila Velha, Cariacica, Vitória, Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, Linhares, São Mateus, Guarapari, Colatina, Aracruz.

Minas Gerais - MG

Belo Horizonte, Uberlândia, Contagem ,Juiz de Fora, Betim, Montes Claros, Ribeirão das Neves, Uberaba, Governador Valadares, Ipatinga, Sete Lagoas, Divinópolis, Santa Luzia, Ibirité, Poços de Caldas, Patos de Minas, Pouso Alegre, Teófilo Otoni, Barbacena, Sabará, Viçosa, São Lourenço, Patrocínio, Alfenas, Itajuba, Unai, Oliveira.

Bahia - BA

Salvador, Feira de Santana, Vitória da Conquista, Camaçari, Juazeiro, Itabuna, Lauro de Freitas, Ilhéus, Jequié, Teixeira de Freitas, Barreiras, Alagoinhas, Porto Seguro, Simões Filho, Paulo Afonso, Eunápolis, Santo Antônio de Jesus, Luis Eduardo Magalhães.

Sergipe - SE

Aracaju, Nossa Senhora do Socorro, Lagarto.

Alagoas - AL

Maceió, Arapiraca.

Pernambuco - PE

Recife, Jaboatão dos Guararapes, Olinda, Caruaru, Petrolina, Paulista, Cabo de Santo Agostinho, Camaragibe, Garanhuns, Vitória de Santo Antão, Igarassu, São Lourenço da Mata, Santa Cruz do Capibaribe.

Paraíba - PB

João Pessoa, Campina Grande, Sapé, Patos, Bayeux, Cabedelo.

Rio Grande do Norte - RN

Natal, Mossoró, Parnamirim, São Gonçalo do Amarante, Macaíba.

Ceará - CE

Fortaleza, Caucaia, Juazeiro do Norte, Maracanaú, Sobral, Crato, Itapipoca, Maranguape, Iguatu.

Piauí - PI

Teresina, Parnaíba.

Maranhão - MA

São Luís, Imperatriz, São José de Ribamar, Timon, Caxias, Codó, Paço do Lumiar, Açailândia, Bacabal, Balsas.

Tocantins - TO

Palmas, Araguaína.

Pará - PA

Belém, Ananindeua, Santarém, Marabá, Parauapebas, Castanhal, Abaetetuba, Cametá, Marituba, Bragança, São Félix do Xingu, Barcarena, Altamira, Tucuruí, Paragominas, Tailândia, Breves, Itaituba.

Amapá - AP

Macapá, Santana.

Roraima - RR

Boa Vista.

Amazonas - AM

Manaus, Parintins, Itacoatiara.

Rondônia - RO

Porto Velho, Ji-Paraná, Ariquemes, Vilhena.

Acre - AC

Rio Branco.

Mato Grosso - MT

Cuiabá, Várzea Grande, Rondonópolis, Sinop, Tangará da Serra, Lucas do Rio Verde, Guarantã do Norte, Sorriso, Nova Mutum.

Goiás - GO

Goiânia, Aparecida de Goiânia, Anápolis, Rio Verde, Águas Lindas de Goiás, Luziânia, Valparaíso de Goiás, Trindade, Formosa, Novo Gama, Senador Canedo, Catalão, Itumbiara, Jataí.

Mato Grosso do Sul - MS

Campo Grande, Dourados, Três Lagoas, Corumbá.

Distrito Federal - DF

Brasília, Ceilândia, Samambaia, Taguatinga, Plano Piloto, Planaltina, Águas Claras, Recanto das Emas, Gama, Guará, Santa Maria, Sobradinho II.

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